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Department of Archaeology

Computing for archaeologists


Computing in the Department of Archaeology

XX Digital Skills

The Department of Archaeology presents workshops for undergraduate students, graduate students and other interested parties that introduce software useful for structuring text, producing good quality illustrations (e.g. of sites, sections and objects), and analysing archaeological data. They will also introduce geographical information systems (GIS) for map-making and spatial analysis. No previous experience is necessary.

PDF flyer

Graphics and type-setting

You will require your own computer: Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux are all suitable.

All sessions will be remote.

Sign-up here: Graphics and Type--setting

Lent Term
Vector illustration Friday 26th January, 2024: 1100-1300
Raster illustration Friday 2nd February, 2024: 1100-1300
Type-setting with LaTeX Friday 9th February, 2024: 1100-1300
More type-setting with LaTeX Friday 16th February, 2024: 1100-1300

Introduction to GIS

Introduction to GIS is taught alongside the one--term course AS3 Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology.

You will require your own computer: Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux are all suitable.

Sign-up here: Introduction to GIS

Lent Term
Practical Thursday 18th January, 2024: 1400-1700 Lecture Wednesday 24th January, 2024: 0900-1000
Practical Thursday 25th January, 2024: 1400-1700 Lecture Wednesday 31st January, 2024: 0900-1000
Practical Thursday 1st February, 2024: 1400-1700 Lecture Wednesday 7th January, 2024: 0900-1000
Practical Thursday 8th February, 2024: 1400-1700 Lecture Wednesday 14th February, 2024: 0900-1000
Practical Thursday 15th February, 2024: 1400-1700 Lecture Wednesday 21st February, 2024: 0900-1000
Practical Thursday 22nd February, 2024: 1400-1700 Lecture Wednesday 28th February, 2024: 0900-1000
Practical Thursday 29th February, 2024: 1400-1700 Lecture Wednesday 6th March, 2024: 0900-1000
Practical Thursday 7th March, 2024: 1400-1700 Lecture Wednesday 13th March, 2024: 0900-1000

Registration is required: Sign-up, via Moodle and using the enrollment code 12345, here:

If you experience any problems signing up, email

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