Division of Archaeology computer support


Facilities for presentations in the Division of Archaeology


This document describes the audio visual aids (AVA) in the Division of Archaeology’s teaching facilities. You can always obtain the latest version of this document from: http://www.arch.cam.ac.uk/comp/ac091/.

The aids include data projection (i.e. PowerPoint bizzo), video projection (i.e. VHS video cassettes), slide projection (i.e. 35 mm slides in carousels), and overhead projection (i.e. using foils/transparencies). The locations described are:

  • West Building Seminar Room: A medium sized room with tables and chairs, suitable for meetings and seminars of approximately 15 to 20 people. The WBSR is on the second floor of the McDonald Institute’s west building. Please note this building is pass code protected.
  • South Lecture Room: A large sized room with podium and desks, suitable for lectures and seminars of approximately 30 people. The SLR is located on the second floor of the department building and is accessible via the west staircase or museum lift.
  • North Lecture Room: A small sized room containing tables and chairs, suitable for meetings, lectures and seminars up to 10 or 12 people. The NLR is located on the second floor of the department building and is accessible via the west staircase or museum lift.
  • Mill Lane Lecture Rooms
  • McDonald Seminar Room
  • Elsewhere

Data projection

Available in the West Building Seminar Room, the South Lecture Room, the North Lecture Room, McDonald Seminar Room, and with caveats, the Mill Lane Lecture Rooms and elsewhere.

If you wish to use your own laptop it must have a female VGA-out port capable of accepting a VGA cable to connect it to the data projector. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VGA_connector for pictures of the required port and the cable that it must accept.

Using the links above, check the details for the room in which you will be lecturing. Location-specific information and relevant contact details are provided at the above links.

Video projection

Available in the West Building Seminar Room, the South Lecture Room, and the North Lecture Room.

Using the links above, check the details for the room in which you will be lecturing. Location-specific information and relevant contact details are provided at the above links.

Slide projection

Available in the West Building Seminar Room, the South Lecture Room, the North Lecture Room, McDonald Seminar Room, and with caveats, the Mill Lane Lecture Rooms.

Using the links above, check the details for the room in which you will be lecturing. Location-specific information and relevant contact details are provided at the above links.

Overhead projection

Available in the West Building Seminar Room, the South Lecture Room, the North Lecture Room.

Using the links above, check the details for the room in which you will be lecturing. Location-specific information and relevant contact details are provided at the above links.

West Building Seminar Room

The WBSR has a slide projector (round carousels), an overhead projector, and a data projector. If you are a member of staff in the Department you can log into the attached computer using the same Windows password that you use on your office computer. Otherwise you can obtain a temporary user ID and password from reception in the Courtyard Building. If reception is unattended you may be able to obtain one from the Department Office. Alternatively you can connect your own laptop to the data projector. Note that if your laptop does not have a standard VGA external video output connector you will need to take the relevant adaptor. The Department does not have any of these adaptors available for loan because they are never returned. Note that if your laptop is a Mac you will require the relevant adaptor.

If you wish to display VHS video please send mail to technicians@arch.cam.ac.uk well in advance of your lecture.

South Lecture Room

The SLR has a slide projector (round carousels), an overhead projector, and a data projector. If you are a member of staff in the Department you can log into the attached computer using the same Windows password that you use on your office computer. Otherwise you can obtain a temporary user ID and password from reception in the Courtyard Building. If reception is unattended you may be able to obtain one from the Department Office. Alternatively you can connect your own laptop to the data projector. Note that if your laptop does not have a standard VGA external video output connector you will need to take the relevant adaptor. The Department does not have any of these adaptors available for loan because they are never returned. Note that if your laptop is a Mac you will require the relevant adaptor.

If you wish to display VHS video please send mail to technicians@arch.cam.ac.uk well in advance of your lecture.

North Lecture Room

The NLR has a slide projector (round carousels), an overhead projector, and a data projector. If you are a member of staff in the Department you can log into the attached computer using the same Windows password that you use on your office computer. Otherwise you can obtain a temporary user ID and password from reception in the Courtyard Building. If reception is unattended you may be able to obtain one from the Department Office. Alternatively you can connect your own laptop to the data projector. Note that if your laptop does not have a standard VGA external video output connector you will need to take the relevant adaptor. The Department does not have any of these adaptors available for loan because they are never returned. Note that if your laptop is a Mac you will require the relevant adaptor.

If you wish to display VHS video please send mail to technicians@arch.cam.ac.uk well in advance of your lecture.

Mill Lane Lecture Rooms

Note that the Mill Lane Lecture Rooms are neither owned or operated by the Division of Archaeology. The most up-to-date and reliable information about facilities will be obtained by your visiting the Mill Lane Lecture Rooms well in advance of your lecture.

The Mill Lane Lecture Rooms offer both slide and data projection facilities. Note that you will need to provide your own laptop in order to use the data projector. Note also that if your laptop does not have a standard VGA external video output connector you will need to take the relevant adaptor. The Department does not have any of these adaptors available for loan because they are never returned. Note that if your laptop is a Mac you will require the relevant adaptor.

McDonald Seminar Room

If you require assistance with the data projector in the McDonald Seminar Room please contact Elizabeth Farmar and Ian Hitchman.


The Department has a portable data projector and laptop that can be borrowed for teaching elsewhere. Note that if this teaching is outside of the Department you will need to obtain your own insurance for the equipment, because if you lose or break it you get to replace it. Note also that the portable data projector is used heavily by Access Cambridge Archaeology and you therefore need to book the equipment well in advance. You can book the portable data projector by sending email to technicians@arch.cam.ac.uk with the subject line Portable data projector booking request.

The Department does not have any slide projectors available for loan.

The Department does not have any VCRs available for loan.

The Department does not have any overhead projectors available for loan.