Division of Archaeology computer support


GIS for archaeologists


This document describes how to FIXME. You can always obtain the latest version of this document from: http://www.arch.cam.ac.uk/comp/FIXME/

If you are on a CUDN-connected computer, be sure to read this advice before beginning any kind of GIS-related work. This is similarly helpful with respect to data visualisation. Here is a very short and incomplete bibliography on the topics of good practice, error propagation and, error analysis in GIS.

Snyder, J.P., 1987, Map Projections: A Working Manual, USGS Professional Paper 1395. Washington: United States Geological Survey.

Free maps from the Ancient World Mapping Centre at UNC Chapel Hill

AC019 Using AutoCAD and the digitiser on the PWF (withdrawn pending description of new setup. Beast dir21 if you need information.)

AC029 Geographic Information Systems in the Department of Archaeology [PDF]

AC033 Obtaining Ordnance Survey digital map data [PDF]

AC046 Using MapManager to translate Ordnance Survey NTF files

AC047 Using GTOPO30 DEMs with ArcGIS on the PWF

AC055 Plotting a database of points using ArcGIS on the PWF

AC056 Using the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Models in ArcGIS on the PWF